
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Endoscopic Excision of Giant Fibroadenoma

views: 4703 comments: 0

Surgical video case: the conventional and standard treatment of fibroadenomas is enucleation by making incision over the breast tissue. This video is a demonstration of endoscopic trans axillary enucleation...

Perio-aeriolar Purse String Technique

views: 2154 comments: 0

In this video, plastic surgeon Dr Allen Rosen demonstrates the use of Quill Barbed Suture in a Perioaerolar Closure using the Purse-string technique. 

Modified Radical Mastectomy

views: 40865 comments: 5

This case is a Modified Radical Mastectomy which is a procedure in which the entire breast is removed, including the skin, areola, nipple, and level I and II axillary lymph nodes. Operative steps are...

Breast Cancer (Answering 8 Questions on Breast...

Dr Vipin Goel

Specialty:  Students
views: 4904 comments: 0

How to prevent BreastCancer. Awareness about Breast cancer - Symptoms, stages, diagnosis, treatment and about breast self examination.

Sentinel Lymph Node Biopsy in Breast Cancer

views: 15142 comments: 1

In this video, we will see a step-by-step video on the surgical technique of sentinel node biopsy (for breast cancer). A sentinel lymph node biopsy is an alternative to the more extensive axillary lymph...

Breast Conservation Surgery (Round Block/Donut...

views: 13470 comments: 1

This video shows the step by step surgical technique of of Breast Conservation Surgery performed for Breast Cancer and type 1 oncoplasty. Technique used here is Doughnut technique also called round block...

Breast Augmentation

views: 5992 comments: 0

This video is produced by Dr Laith Barnouti's team, specializing in breast enlargement, breast implants and breast lift. It demonstrates the new era of minimally invasive and rapid recovery breast augmentation...

Breast Lift

views: 8269 comments: 0

This video shows a breast lift surgery which involves raising and firming of the breasts. This type of surgery simply removes the excess skin from the breast and tightens the surrounding tissue that helps...

Breast Cosmetic Surgery

views: 5472 comments: 0

This video shows a breast lift reduction cosmetic surgery.

Breast Examination

views: 13356 comments: 1

The ability to carry out a thorough and slick breast examination is something every medic needs to master. This video shows how to perform it properly. Video by Geeky Medics.

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