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Arterio-Venous Malformation AVM

Suhail Nazir

Specialty:  Neurosurgery
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Surgical technique for arterio-venous malformation AVM.

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) and Embolization...

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The film shows cerebral vascular malformations and the way of their treatment.

Bleeding From Duodenal Bulb - Laserotherapy

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Arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) are more occasional in patient suffering from chronic renal failure and may manifest in bleeding when the anticoagulation (heparin) is in use during the dialysis. The...

Spiral Enteroscopy, Arteriovenous Malformation...

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According to gastroenterologists, every interventions performed on the small intestine is been considered challenging. Lately, a new diagnostic and treatment methods have appeared like the endoscopic...

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) In Colon - Laserotherapy

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Devolution of the enteric blood vessels is usually connected in ageing what is a cause of angiodysplasia in adult. The most common theory about it is the phisiological vessels contraction and an dilation...

Arteriovenous Malformation Of The Spinal Cord

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Arteriovenous malformation of the spinal cord is an unusual and dangerous condition. In the movie we can see large AVM with many branches, stretched from D3 to D7 (which were totally removed). A 27-year...

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