During Lap Append Ovarian Cyst Was Encountered
During laparoscopic appendectomy if you encountered a left ovarian cyst like this, will you operate upon using the same port sites which were high like me here? In spite of having some difficulty as working...
Difficult Sub-Hepatic Appendectomy
Surgical video case: the advantage of laparoscopic surgery is to reach lesions wherever they are located inside the abdomen, without needing to create big incisions. Or creating new incisions because...
One stage laparoscopic Ladd procedure, appendectomy...
The film presents laparoscopic operation in 7 -year-old boy with duodenal subileus and gastroesophageal reflux disease. It was assumed that gastro-esophageal reflux is secondary to partial obstruction...
Laparoscopic Appendectomy for Beginners - A Step-By-Step...
This easy to understand video demonstrates the basic steps of performing a standard, uncomplicated laparoscopic appendectomy for junior and trainee surgeons.
Ileal Flange
Video case: in an appendectomy, in 11 years old boy the ileal flange encroached upon the base of the appendix and interfered with the proper assessment of the site of the base to avoid leaving a stump.
In Morbidly Obese with Fatty Mesoappendix and...
In morbidly obese females with fatty mesoappendix and adhesions of the previous cisearian section try to avoid leaving a stump on doing an appendectomy.
Simple Milking Colcolic Ileocolic Intussusception
Male child 8 month presented with blooy diarrhea red current jelly stool sonar show target sign intussusception failed pnemostatic reduction. Exporlotion done sinole milking with appendectomy.
To Achieve The Minimal Port Size For Retrieval
To achieve the minimal port size for retrieval of an appendix, I changed my port size from 5mm to 8mm then to 10mm then it needed dilatation for retrieval of the appendix. I don’t use a retrieval...
Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy for Mucinous...
Video case: non-metastatic adenocarcinoma of the appendix, often found incidentally after routine appendectomy, is a rare cancer whose subsequent management still is debated. It is classified into two...
Incidentally Burning of Cecum During Appendectomy....
Surgical case: across the range of products and procedures, (*brand hidden*) technology delivers a combination of pressure and energy to create vessel fusion. When used with the Energy Platform, the (*brand...
Laparoscopic Appendicectomy for Gangrenous Appendix
Video case: acute appendicitis is a surgical emergency that needs immediate surgery. Laparoscopic approach for the management of acute appendicitis is an effective and safe technique. Apart from benefit...
Laparoscopic Appendectomy
Surgical video case: the method used for closure appendix base during laparoscopic appendectomy is important in terms of the simplicity of application, biocompatibility, price and other characteristics...
Appendectomy for Appendicitis in Child
Laparoscopic appendectomy in pediatric age group is increasingly being favored. Potential advantages of laparoscopic appendectomy in children include reduced postoperative pain, a lower wound infection...
Laparoscopic Appendectomy Base Stapling
The method used for closure is important in terms of the simplicity of application, biocompatibility, price and other characteristics of the instruments themselves. It is sometimes difficult to insert...