Rotator Cuff Tear Injury

3 years ago

Case description

This video illustrates the shoulder rotator cuff muscles and associated tears and types of imaging for these injuries. Rotator cuff tears are a common source of shoulder pain.
Tear of the rotator cuff may involve a single tendon or multiple tendons. The patient will present with a painful weak shoulder , rotator cuff tears occur more in older population. In patients older than 80 years of age, 50% of these patients will have rotator cuff tear (majority are asymptomatic). Partial thickness or full thickness tears may progress in size or increase in symptoms.

Clinical presentation:
- patient will have pain usually posteriorly.
- patient will complain of pain during overhead activity or when attempting to reach behind the back.
- patient may also complain about the presence of nighttime shoulder pain.
- patient also complains of shoulder weakness.

After the clinical examination, make an X-Ray and MRI, although some physician prefer to use ultrasound.
• Conservative: physical therapy, NSAIDS, injection (possible).
• Surgery.

Video by nabil ebraheim

tags: rotator cuff rotator cuff tear for students

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