Extensive Gastric Adenocarcinoma - Endoscopy

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13 years ago

Case description

A 39 year-old man, who was under medical control in a national institution for more than 4 years because of epigastric discomfort, but no upper endoscopy was perform. When he asked for help in our clinic he had already lost a weight of 20 pounds. We performed an upper endoscopy and an advanced adenocarcinoma was found. It infiltrated the antrum, body and the fundus along of the minor curvature. We detected a gastric adenocarcinoma to his father 1991 at the antrum. His father died 10 years later at age 85, but for a different disease. His mother died of gastric cancer many years ago. We found two nephew had Advanced Gastric Carcinoma recently. See the sequences below one case of them is not published here because we have not found the video yet. Several member of that family had die of breast cancer.

tags: breast cancer endoscopy extensive gastric adenocarcinoma gastric body minor curvature

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