Awake Mitral Valve Replacement - Chordee Preservation EP Mode

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14 years ago
Vascular Surgery

Case description

MItral valve is placed between the left atrium and the left ventricle. The necessity of surgical mitral valve replacement appears when it becomes too tight (mitral valve stenosis) for blood to flow into the left ventricle or when it becomes too loose (mitral valve regurgitation) and lets blood leak back into the left atrium and, eventually to the lungs. Mitral valve defects cause many symptoms, such as: tiredness, dyspnoe and oedemas. Also those defects can have serious, potentially life-threathening, consequences, such as arythmias, strokes and left ventricle dyfunction. Usually mitral valve replacement surgery is performed as an open heart surgery with general anaesthesia introduced. However, the usage of epidural anaesthesia is becoming increasingly popular

tags: anesthesia implant IMPLANTATION mitral valve replacement

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