Aberrant Vessel During Robotic Left Upper Lobe Apical and Posterior Segmentectomy

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6 years ago
Thoracic Surgery

Case description

This is a case of a patient with bilateral adenocarcinoma's, in whom segmentectomy was the procedure of choice in order to conserve pulmonary tissue and therefore function. During the operation, the superior pulmonary vein was unable to be identified; instead, an aberrant vein draining into the innominate vein was discovered. This being an unexpected variance in anatomy, and as a result - it was vital that additional care was taken to check for any further variance. With this in mind, throughout the procedure, in order aid and confirm intra-operative decision making multiple testing modalities were employed, i.e. inflation tests for bronchi, and indocyanine green for vasculature.

tags: Aberrant Vessel Robotic Left Upper Segmentectomy

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