Robotic RUL Posterior Segmentectomy with ICG Guidance

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7 years ago
Thoracic Surgery

Case description

This is a video of a robotic right upper lobe posterior segmentectomy using ICG guidance; performed by Mr Joel Dunning at the Jame Cook University Hospital.

It is the case of a 73 year old female, with a previous left lower lobectomy, and removal of a malignant (SSC) station 8 lymph node.

Presenting with a new nodule in the posterior segment of her right upper lobe - thought to be a new primary cancer.

Segmentectomy was therefore the procedure of choice in order to conserve as much pulmonary function as possible.

ICG was used in order to aid and confirm decision making when encountered with a posterior ascending artery with an early bifurcation, and whether each of the branches provided vascularisation to the posterior segment in question.

tags: bifurcation ICG lymph node right upper lobe segmentectomy robotic segmentectomy thoracic

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