Orthopaedic Exams
Flashcards for Short Cases for Orthopaedic Exams
Amgad Medani - The talk is about a structured approach to short cases for orthopaedic exams. - The difficulty lies mainly in the short cases of the exam. - Time management is crucial, with only about...
Taking a History for Hip Conditions
Jeh Mahaluxmivala. This session is on how to take a history for hip conditions. - Participants are encouraged to participate in the session, and it will be interactive. - The session will include taking...
Poly-Trauma for Orthopaedic Exams
Mr. Peter Bates is a consultant trauma surgeon with expertise in polytrauma and treatment of pelvic and acetabular fractures. - He has trained in London, New Zealand, Nottingham, and the USA, and is...
Masterig Your Skills for the Viva Part of Orthopaedic...
Mohamed Imam: - The transcript discusses the importance of mastering techniques for the viva part of Orthopaedic Exams. - The speaker emphasizes the need to answer questions as a consultant and demonstrate...
Non-Union for Orthopaedic Exams
Shwan Henari - the presentation is about non-union in orthopedics and its approach. - The speaker advises not to panic and describes the importance of staying calm during exams. - The examination begins...
The Painful Knee Replacement TKR for Orthopaedic...
Tamer Sweed - the topic of the presentation is "Painful Total Knee Replacement (TKR) for Orthopaedic Exams." - The speaker discusses the importance of understanding the codes and categories...
Cauda Equina for Orthopaedic Exams
Ramish Dalwai - the speaker discusses cauda equina syndrome in orthopedic exams. - They emphasize the importance of recognizing symptoms such as acute back pain, bladder or bowel function disturbances,...
Shoulder Approaches for Orthopaedic Fellowship...
David Hughes: - The teaching session focuses on two shoulder surgical approaches: anterior deltoid-pectoral and posterior approach. - The anterior deltoid-pectoral approach is commonly used for anterior...
Ten Tips for the FRCS and Postgraduate Orthopaedic...
Ten tips for the FRCS and postgraduate orthopaedic exams by Nicola Evans. This recording is taken from the FRCS Mock Exam Course : www.orthopaedicacademy.co.uk/frcs-mock-exam/ For upcoming webinars and...
Paediatirc Orthopaedic Spotters for Orthopaedic...
This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams: FRCS, European Board (FEBOT), SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards. By Mark Latimer and Pranai Buddhdev.
Intermediate Clinical Cases For Postgraduate...
This recording is taken from the FRCS Mock Exam Course . https://orthopaedicacademy.co.uk/frcs-mock-exam/ For upcoming webinars and courses , please visit: www.OrthopaedicAcademy.co.uk Please follow us...