nose surgery

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Hump Reduction Technique for beginners in Rhinoplasty...

views: 4468 comments: 1

Hump reduction technique explained step by step - should be helpful to neo-rhinoplasty surgeons.


views: 5066 comments: 0

This video shows a nose surgery: rhinoplasty.

Animation of Rhinoplasty (nose job) produced...

views: 8589 comments: 0

In this educational clip, dr Hosnani's rhinoplasty video is shown.

How to Tape Nose After Rhinoplasty advised by...

views: 9545 comments: 1

After the nose surgery the patients are advised to keep their nose taped for 2 weeks to 2 months. During the first two weeks, the surgery tapes influence both swelling and forming. From the second week...


views: 21571 comments: 1

Rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job, is a surgical procedure to improve the size, shape, and/or position of the nose. It is more commonly referred to as a nose plastic surgery job and is one of the...

Subgaleal Abscess

views: 5153 comments: 0

In this video you can see subgaleal abscess.

The Superior Rhinotomy For Inverting Papilloma

views: 4233 comments: 0

This video presents the superior rhinotomy for inverting papilloma.

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