linitis plastica
Stomach - Linitis Plastica
One of form of gastric adenocarcinoma is linitis plastica, composed of glandular proliferation of signet-like cells of the stomach and gastric connective tissue hiperplasia. Negatives biopsy and endoscopic...
Leather Bottle Stomach - Endoscopy (6 of 9)
Stricture of the antrum due to a tumoral infiltration It is observed decrease in the size of the antrum due to malignancy. The tumor had infiltrated from the junction of body with the fundus to the...
Leather Bottle Stomach - Endoscopy (5 of 9)
Diffuse thickening is observed at the junction of the body and gastric fundus.
Leather Bottle Stomach - Endoscopy (3 of 9)
Endoscopy of ScirrhousGastric Carcinoma (Linitis Plastica) It is observed extensive infiltration of the body and gastric antrum which causes a pseudo obstruction
Leather Bottle Stomach - Endoscopy (2 of 9)
After aspirated a plenty of fluids due to stasis it is observed injuries consistent with infiltration by diffuse type malignant neoplasm with a typical nodular scirrhous carcinoma. The most common...
Leather Bottle Stomach - Endoscopy (1 of 9)
This 75 year-old male, had an endoscopy a week earlier by a colleague on which describes according the endoscopic report that there was a reflux esophagitis and a hiatal hernia of large size, having...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy
A 35 year-old female, who began her disease with jaundice, weight loss, early satiety, nausea and vomiting. The endoscopy was performed and all the gastric mucosa and walls were infiltrated. The...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy 2
This 68 year-old male presented with initiates with abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, nauseas, vomiting, early diminished appetite, satiety and weight loss. Gastric Adenocarcinoma that has an...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy
A 27 year-old man with weight loss more than 30 pounds, early satiety, apathy, anorexia and vomiting. The walls of the stomach appeared thickened, the stomach distended poorly. Infiltrating adenocarcinoma...
Early Gastric Carcinoma With Signet Ring Cells...
Relatively small size linitis plastica of the stomach Gastric Cancer (scirrhous gastric carcinoma) has a poor prognosis due to delay in diagnosis. Pathological feature of this tumor is diffuse fibrosis...
Early Gastric Carcinoma With Signet Ring Cells...
A 43-year old man with a lesion that can only seen in retroflexed maneuver, because of the antrum wall showed some rigidity due to an early gastric carcinoma Type III. The image and video display some...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy (3 of 3
Chromatoscopy with lugol´s stain. A leather bottle stomach - linitis plastica - describes a stomach that has a gastric carcinoma which is morphologically an infiltrating carcinoma. Linitis plastica...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy (1 of3)
The gastric folders are observed with diffuse redness resemble a severe acute gastritis but they are also infiltrated with adenocarcinoma. Signet Ring Cell Type Linitis plastica is a gross descriptive...
Linitis Plastica - Endoscopy (1 of 3)
This 78 year-old female underwent screening endoscopy due to liver metastases of unknown origin. She previously underwent a upper endoscopy in a public hospital and was apparently negative for malignant...
Gastric Cancer - Endoscopy (7 of 15)
With difficulty it is performed the retroflexión maneuver In the image and the video clip, it is observed the infiltration of the cardia and fundus. Linitis plastica, a diffuse infiltrative gastric...