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Step by Step Functional Crown Lengthening Podcast...

Jaz Gulati

Specialty:  Prosthodontics
views: 87 comments: 0

What are the steps involved in Functional Crown Lengthening? Which scenarios/teeth are best for this type of surgery? What is biologic width and why should we care? Is Bone sounding a diagnostic test,...

Deep Margin Elevation - Clinical Case

views: 2652 comments: 0

This case is about deep marginal elevation, ceramic overlay and isolation. We will discuss strategies for proximal defects management depending on depth. Also tips for rubberdam isolation in such situations...

Microsurgery with Different Lasers Wavelength...

Ariel Savion

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 4698 comments: 0

In video one can obsreve treatment with blue laser 455 nm (diode laser) durnig frenectomy in first step. In second step, I performed apicoectomy with YSGG 2780 nm laser (erbium laser) under magnification....

Anterior Gingivectomy for Veneers Teeth #7 -...

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 3254 comments: 0

In this cosmetic case, Dr. Chi performs gingivectomy procedure for teeth #7 through #10 as part of preparation for placing veneers from milling blocks. 

GingiBurs Gingivectomy

views: 7501 comments: 1

In this video dr Maciej Czerwiński shows how to perform gingivectomy with GingiBurs. Video by dr Maciej Czerwiński.

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