dental surgery

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Shell Bone Block with Simultaneoulsy Dental Implants...

views: 570 comments: 0

The use of a shell bone block typically refers to a bone grafting technique in oral and maxillofacial surgery. This technique involves using a block of bone, often shaped like a shell, to augment or reconstruct...

Draining A Mouth Abscess

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1774 comments: 0

This video contains graphic surgical content. A patient comes back 3 weeks after her third molar removal with an abscess. 

Extraction of Fake Root Canal Treated Tooth |...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 453 comments: 0

 In this video i have shown the extraction of maxillary first premolar tooth which was treated by the root canal treatment a year ago by some dentist, but after the root canal treatment the patient is...

How to use? |Extraction Workflow with Dr. Manouchehr...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1592 comments: 0

This video material presents how to use luxator during tooth extraction.

Luxator Extraction | Start To Finish

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 593 comments: 0

This video presents extraction of upper third molar using luxator most of the time.

Big Tooth Cavity Removed | Wisdom Tooth Forcep...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1062 comments: 0

This video shows the extraction of wisdom tooth which is grossly decayed and needs to be extracted to prevent the further complications. This procedure is made to be done by the dental professionals only....

Live Surgery | Extraction Of #9 With Immediate...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 748 comments: 0

We're back with a live surgical example! In this one, we'll walk through the atraumatic extraction of tooth number 9, then immediate implant placement and temporization. With a full video capture and...

Tooth Extraction - Lower First Molar And Root

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 1838 comments: 0

This video demonstrates tooth extraction of a lower first molar and second lower molar's root.

Removed Tooth In 1 Minute | Molar Tooth Extraction

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 877 comments: 0

This video shows the extraction of the maxillary first molar tooth which is having the big cavity and the abscess and causes severe pain to the patient and needs to be extracted to prevent the further...

How To Wire Shut The Jaw | Step By Step Live...

Specialty:  Maxillofacial Surgery
views: 931 comments: 0

This video reviews the step by step instructions for placing a patient in maxillomandibular fixation, or mmf, using arch bars. The patient is a 67 year old female who fell on the ice and suffered a right...

The Surgery | Leg Bone To The Jaw | Part 2

Specialty:  Maxillofacial Surgery
views: 735 comments: 0

This is a huge case, way too big for one video. This is part 2 of the treatment of a large tumor in the mandible on a 16 year old male. This video covers the full surgical workup and surgery! The next...

How To Retrieve A Root In The Maxillary Sinus?...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 664 comments: 0

Maxillary molars can be a nightmare to remove. Today on the open reduction, dr. Tom Bolten reviews what to do when a tooth root becomes displaced into the maxillary sinus! This video discusses the protocol...

Is This Spot Oral Cancer?? | How To Identify...

Specialty:  Dental Surgery
views: 786 comments: 0

Oral cancer is sometimes obvious, and sometimes subtle. This patient presents with a tongue lesion that has been present for two months and she is concerned. What does oral cancer look like and how do...

Bizarre Complication After Third Molar Removal...

Specialty:  Maxillofacial Surgery
views: 450 comments: 0

What would you do if a patient came back a week after third molar removal with a bizarre growth in the extraction site??

Trigeminal Neuralgia | How To Evaluate And Treat

Specialty:  Maxillofacial Surgery
views: 1078 comments: 0

Trigeminal neuralgia is a chronic facial pain disorder that is often misdiagnosed. Check out the work up and treatment of a patient with trigeminal neuralgia, and learn how to diagnose and treat this...

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