
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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views: 1673 comments: 0

The teaching session is about prosthetics and amputation, with a focus on FRCS examination preparation. - The guest speaker, Jeh Mahaluximavala , is a well-known trainer and educator in the UK, associated...

Ask the Experts: Neuropathy and PAD: Minimizing...

Specialty:  Diabetology
views: 1688 comments: 0

One of the scariest complications of diabetes is amputation. You’ll have an opportunity to ask your questions while we review what steps you can take to prevent the risk of developing neuropathy and peripheral...

Below Elbow Amputation

views: 14285 comments: 0

Amputation are usually performed for cancer, infections, vascular insufficiency etc. In above video it is performed for malignancy. We explain in the video Detailed steps on how to perform below elbow...

Foot Amputation for Malignant Melanoma Sole (Lisfranc...

views: 11740 comments: 0

Amputation is treatment for Melanoma of Sole. Cure can be achieved by timely Surgery. Life saving surgery can be performed if patient presents early to doctor.

Above Knee Amputation

views: 26109 comments: 0

Above Knee Amputation Educational step-by-step video on surgical procedure for an above knee (leg) amputation.

Replantation Case 1

views: 8012 comments: 3

This 24 years old man amputated his left hand’s thumb, index, middle and ring fingers with a power saw in 2015. Pre-operative photographies are presented. The video shows the results 7 months after replantation....

Index Finger Ray Amputation

Todd Richards

Specialty:  Orthopedics
views: 19675 comments: 0

Dr. Aaron Freilich, UVA professor, demonstrates the surgical technique for ray resection of the index finger.

Unbelievable Bacteria - Video Presentation -...

views: 8669 comments: 0

This particular clip presents symptoms and results of Staphylococcus aureus infection. It is a life-threating condition. Amputation of limb may be a must.

Necrotizing Fasciitis - Video Lecture - Part...

views: 10233 comments: 0

This animation shows life-threatening condition called necrotizing fasciitis. Video presents the condition and its treatment.

Skin - Ulcer - Amputation Stump

views: 7295 comments: 0

What is the definition of an ulcer anywhere in the body? Draw a line where the viable appearing epithelium ends and the inflammatory tissue starts.

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