Constipation as a Cause of Megacolon and Multiorgan Failure

Constipation as a Cause of Megacolon and Multiorgan Failure
a month ago
General Surgery

Case description

Clinical case: a 49 year old female patient after previous ischemic stroke and left lower limb amputation in medical history presented with severe sepsis (CRP of above 700) and multiorgan dysfunction. On a CT scan there was extreme dilatation of caecum (up to 12 centimeters in diameter) and whole colon with possible constipation as a cause of obstruction. Emergent colectomy was performed with no peritonitis and perforation of colon present. Despite postoperative morbidity (wound infection, multiorgan failure, noradrenalin dependence, acute kidney injury) the patient improved gradually and was discharged into homecare after 12 days of hospital stay. 


tags: megacolon clinical case sepsis caecum dilatation colon colectomy constipation surgical clinical cases

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