Greenlight XPS for BPH

6 years ago

Case description

The aim of the following surgical, educational video is to help define a standardized approach to ALL prostate anatomy variations (prostate size, symmetry, median lobe, vascularity). In order to achieve reproducible outcomes, a surgeon should commit to standardized patient evaluation, counselling of technique and ultimately, surgical technique.

Standardization of surgical approach for BPH surgery is unfortunately not universal. Many urologists learn throughout residency TURP techniques from numerous staff members, all of which differ in approach to prostate anatomy variations and surgical end-point. Some just create an open channel which may help patient symptoms for a few years while others aim for more complete adenoma resection down to capsule, to ensure procedure durability. Furthermore, there are no guidelines that exist for expectations following BPH surgery other than IPSS improvements and baseline urodynamic flow improvements. Expectations of amount of tissue removal, PSA reduction and endpoints related to procedure durability are not endorsed. Even patient workup and informed consent differ greatly among practicing urologists.

Video by Dr. Kevin C. Zorn.

tags: BPH surgery BPH TURP adenoma resection Greenlight surgery prostate gland benign prostatic hyperplasia PSA prostate-specific antigen DRE digital rectal exam urodynamic and pressure flow studies

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