vertebral artery

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Vertebral Artery In Doppler Examination

USG Videos

Specialty:  Radiology
views: 8908 comments: 0

In the following video we can observe a good quality image of vertebral artery flow.

Vertebral Artery, Doppler Echography

USG Videos

Specialty:  Radiology
views: 7566 comments: 0

The following material shows an optimal view of vertebral artery origin (right).

Vertebral Arteries In Doppler Exam

USG Videos

Specialty:  Radiology
views: 7273 comments: 0

The following material shows a small differences in size between the vertebral arteries.

Epidermoid Cerebello Pontine Angle - Microsurgical...

views: 7163 comments: 0

Epidermoid is tumor like mass. It is benign(non cancerous) mass occuring any where in the brain also known as pearly tumor of brain. It occures 1-2% of all brain tumors. Common sites are mid line areas...

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