
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Systemic Steroids, Methotrexate, Cyclosporine...

Moheb Gamel

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 439 comments: 0

Why, when and how to use Systemic Steroids, Methotrexate and Cyclosporine in Dermatology.

ITP Bleeding

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Purpura Case - 28 y/o plaquetopenic (ITP) with morbid obesity (BMI 42) - after 8 years of continous use of steroids. We did a mini hybrid clipless total splenectomy. No drain.

Polyp Reduction in the Office Using Local Steroids

Specialty:  Otorhinolaryngology
views: 5529 comments: 6

Oral steroids are the common way to reduce nasal polyps. In this video steroids are applied directly onto polyps during an office procedure. There is considerable improvement at 2 weeks and the patient...

Epidural Steroid Injection

views: 4621 comments: 0

This video shows epidural steroid injection. Medical Animations by High Impact Graphics. Learn more at or give us a call at 800-749-2184.

Crohn's Disease - Endoscopy (8 of 28)

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Crohn´s Disease. The rectum seen in retroflexed view. A polyp is observed We were not sure if this polyp was caused by the Crohn’s disease itself. However, we observed after a short time of treatment,...

Multiple Rectal Ulcers (14 of 110)

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Twenty to 25% of patients with extensive ulcerative colitis eventually undergo colectomy, usually because their disease has not responded to medical therapy. The decision between surgery and continued...

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