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Class 4 Composite (Part 2): Composite Polishing...

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Last video we looked at how to layer a polychromatic class 4 restoration. Now in part 2 we talk through the polishing protocol and how to use some of our favourite polishing equipment.

Finishing & Polishing Tools & Application...

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This video present finishing & polishing tools & their application for class III, IV, V resin-based composite restorations.

Finishing & Polishing Tools & Application...

views: 859 comments: 0

This video presents finishing & polishing tools & their application for class I & II resin-based composite restorations.

How To Finish And Polish A Class II Composite

views: 2200 comments: 1

In this video, Dr. Richard Stevenson demonstrates his method for finishing and polishing class II composites. 

Tips And Tricks - Finishing And Polishing

views: 1188 comments: 0

One of the most important steps in direct composite veneers is obtaining the correct texture and luster. In this webinar, Doctor will share with you valuable tips and tricks that will change dramatically...

3M Habras Discs To Polish A Gold Crown

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This a secret I been waiting to see for a long time! Rather than use the standard brownie, greenie, super greenie polishing rubber points/wheels - here is a sweet method to finish polishing! Habras Discs.

Diamond Impregnated Rubber Disc

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Diamond impregnated rubber disk to quickly initiate the polishing of a gold crown. There are many ways to polish gold - this is just another method that I recently learned to quickly polish gold crowns...

Phacoemulsification With Posterior Capsular Polishing

Dr. Ahmed

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 14700 comments: 0

This medical movie shows the facoemulsification with posterior capsular polishing. The implantation of foldable intraocular lens was performed.

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