partial nephrectomy
Step-by-Step Robot-Assisted Partial Nephrectomy...
Surgical video case: step-by-step robot-assisted partial nephrectomy using using novel robot.
Organ Sparing Surgery for a Tumor of the Sole...
Surgical video case: reoperation of tumor resection on inferior pole of remaining right kidney due to cell carcinoma. 33mm tumor protuding to kidney outline. Classsical open lumbar oblique technique....
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Surgery to Remove...
Surgical video case: a male patient, 39 years old. Two months ago, he went to a hospital for a check-up and accidentally discovered an abnormal left kidney cyst. He had a CT scan, and a Bosniak-IIF...
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy, Upper Pole...
Video shows neoplasm of upper pole of right kidney. Partial nephrectomy was done.
Retroperitoneal Laparoscopic Surgery for Removing...
60 years old female patient. Past medical history: diabetes. The patient went for a routine check-up and accidentally discovered a T kidney tumor.
Robot Assisted Partial Nephrectomy with CMR Versius...
This video is focused on the tumorectomy during a partial nephrectomy for a renal cell carcinoma using CMR Versius Robot.
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
The technique of laparoscopic transperitonal partial nephrectomy is presented. The procedure was performed with warm ischemia after selective clamping of renal artery. Special attention should be payed...
Retroperitoneal Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
This video shows a partial nephrectomy due to a kidney tumour, performed robotically using a retroperitoneal approach. It is a very nice route for these posterior tumours that allows for a fast recovery...
Robotic Enucleation of Renal Hilar Tumour
This video shows a robotic enucleation of renal hilar tumour. A 31 year old male presented with incidentally detected right renal mass. Ultrasound and CT abdomen were performed, which were suggestive...
DaVinci Robotic Right Partial Nephrectomy
This video shows a robotic right partial nephrectomy for right renal cell carcinoma.
Robotic Partial Nephrectomy
In this video, Dr. Lance Hampton of VCU Urology performs a left robotic partial nephrectomy using the daVinci Xi surgical platform.
Retroperitoneoscopic Partial Nephrectomy
This video presents a retroperitoneoscopic partial nephrectomy.
Laparoscopic Partial Nephrectomy in Horseshoe...
This video shows a laparoscopic partial nephrectomy in horseshoe kidney because of tumor. 28 years old male patient has 2,3 x 2,6 x 2,5 cm enhancing mass in the upper pole of the right moiety of a horseshoe...
Renal Mass Thermal Ablation - Kidney Cancer Treatment
Treatment options for small renal masses include radical nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy as well as thermal ablation. The following educational video aims at helping one understand the principles of...