Basics of Indirect Restorations Part 1 - Decision...
Is Shillingburg’s textbook irrelevant? What materials are used in the real world? Is it right that dental students are primarily taught PFM crown preps? When to Onlay and when to go full crown?...
Immediate Dentine Sealing Tutorial Part 1 - PDP173
How and Why to do Immediate Dentine Sealing: In this first episode, Zahid and Jaz not only explored the fundamental principles of IDS but also offered a practical guide for its smooth implementation in...
Immediate Dentine Sealing Tutorial Part 2 - PDP174
If you didn't see the first episode, don't forget to check out Part 1 before you dive into this one: uk/173 In the previous episode, Jaz and Zahid explored the foundational concepts...
5 Things I Do Differently 10 Years after Dental...
There are five things I want to share with you that I do differently now compared to what I was taught in dental school. Dental school is great for laying the foundation, but real-world experience and...
Onlays - Basic Principles - Webinar
This webinar is dedicated to partial ceramic restorations of posterior teeth. It covered following topics:
Composite Onlay: Semi-Direct Restoration
This video demonstrates a composite onlay - semi-direct restoration - procedure.
How to Restore a Failed Amalgam Onlay in 15...
TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Intro 0:07 - 53 year old female patient with a decay on tooth #4 0:32 - Removing existing decay 1:22 - Capturing digital impression 1:41 - Onlay2:00 - Polishing the onlay 2:16 - Scan,...
Biomimetic Dental Course| Lesson 6: Biomimetic...
Lesson 6 of Biomimetic Dental Courseshows the biomimetic alternative to crowns. In the previous video dr Matt Nejad demonstrated the traditional crown preparation, but now he is going to do a ceramic...
Onlay Cementation
In this video dr Salvatore Scolavino shows the steps of cementation of disilicate onlay. Video by dr Salvatore Scolavino.
Onlay Preparation
In this video you can watch an onlay preparation. First of all we remove the old restoration using multi-blade bur to achieve a selective cut on composite. If the thickness of the residual cusp is lower...
CAD/CAD Onlay Reprepped
This is a CAD/CAM onlay preparation outlined in pencil to show the corrections I made before rescanning.