How Does Nutrition Affect Wound Healing and Patient...
Wound healing is a complex process heavily influenced by the nutritional status of the patient. In orthopedic patients, particularly the elderly, malnutrition poses a significant barrier to recovery and...
Food as Medicine Strategy - Kroger: 2002 Foodscape...
Dr. Marc Watkins, Chief Medical Office for Kroger Health, highlights Kroger's Food as Medicine Strategy. The Foodscape Innovation™ Summit is an essential part of the American Heart Association’s...
Innovation to Prioritize Nutrition in Healthcare:...
Explore the opportunities and barriers to implementation of nutrition services and health-promoting food environments in healthcare . The Foodscape Innovation™ Summit is an essential part of the...
Parasites Overview
Parasites are microorganisms that live on a living host and derive nutrition them without any benefit to the host. Parasites can also cause harm to the infected host. There are three classes of parasites...
Advancing Equity in Nutrition Security in the...
A holistic and inclusive view of nutrition security and the imperative to advance towards sustainable solutions. The Foodscape Innovation™ Summit is an essential part of the American Heart Association’s...
Affordable Nutrition for Healthy People and a...
Explore cutting-edge research to inform and facilitate dietary patterns and practices that are affordable, culturally relevant, and also good for the health of people and the environment. The Foodscape...
State of the Art: Nutrition and Prostate Cancer
Mark A. Moyad MD, MPH, discusses how reducing caloric intake and improving heart health can help patients fight prostate cancer and reduce the odds of recurrent cancer. He also argues that experimenting...
Nutritional Support in Trauma
Raul Coimbra presents issues related to the role of nutrition during traumas.
5TH Annual Update In Abdominal Transplantation...
The following video, recorded during 5th Annual Update in Abdominal Transplantation, focuses on issues of diet, nutrition and diabetes in the transplantation. Presenter: Diane Pearson, RN, MPH, CDE
Recurrent Gastric Cancer after Gastrectomy Billroth...
Therapeutic maneuver is being continued. Prior to any surgical procedure, adequate preparation of the patient is important to minimize complications. Many patients with gastric cancer are malnourished...