lithotomy position

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Urethro-vaginal Fistula Repair in Reverse Lithotomy...

Divakar Dalela

Specialty:  Urology
views: 8891 comments: 0

This video shows the surgical steps of repairing a urethro-vaginal fistula (UVF) in a patient who is positioned in reverse lithotomy.

Positioning the Patient in Reverse Lithotomy

Divakar Dalela

Specialty:  Urology
views: 7520 comments: 0

This video shows the method to place the patient in reverse lithotomy position for doing transvaginal surgery on urinary bladder and urethra. This is an educational video for the exclusive use by surgeons...

Rectocele Repair - Transvaginal Technique with...

views: 40953 comments: 0

This video describes a rectocele repair by a transvaginal approach. The patient is a 71 year-old female with a large symptomatic rectocele. For the purpose of a transvaginal repair the patient is placed...

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