All you need to know about "Hyperaldosteronism" & "Hypokalemic Metabolic Alkalosis with Hypertension" in only 20 minutes.
Sleeve Gastrectomy with Proximal Transit Bipartition
Dr Sérgio Santoro devised the bipartition transit procedure with the aim of being a purely metabolic technique, stimulating the distal ileum early, causing satiety and controlling comorbidities associated...
2020 ISH Guidelines: Comparison with ESC/ESH...
Prof Bryan Williams discusses similarities and differences between the ESC/ESH Guidelines and the 2020 ISH Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines.
2020 ISH Guidelines: Comparison to 2017 AHA/ACC...
Professor Richard Wainford outlines the similarities and differences between the 2017 AHA ACC Hypertension Guidelines and the 2020 ISH Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines
ISH 2020 Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines...
Experts from the ISH Guidelines Committee highlight key aspects of the ISH 2020 Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines.
2020 ISH Guidelines: Adherence and Resistant...
ISH President-Elect Maciej Tomaszewski summarizes adherence and resistant hypertension in the 2020 ISH Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines
2020 ISH Guidelines: Non-Pharmacological Treatment
Prof. Fadi Charchar highlights non-pharmacological treatment approaches from the 2020 ISH Global Hypertension Practice Guidelines
Practical Tips to Intensify Antihypertensives
In this short video, Dr. Eric MacLaughlin shares practical tips to intensify antihypertensive drugs, including utilizing combination therapy, out-of-office BP measurement, and more.
Quick Tips to Manage Resistant Hypertension
In this brief video, Dr. William White discusses tips to manage patients with resistant hypertension, including ruling out pseudo-resistance and secondary causes of resistant HTN, treatment options, when...
Guideline-Driven Management of Hypertension:...
Listen to Dr. Robert Carey from the University of Virginia and co-author of the 2017 AHA/American College of Cardiology clinical practice guidelines review important findings on the prevention, detection,...
Pathophysiology of Hypertension and Pain Management
Participants will learn: • Pathophysiology of pain including the different types of pain and treatment considerations • Medication categories in treatment of pain and safety considerations • Biases in...
Pre Eclampsia
Preeclampsia is a multisystem progressive disorder characterized by the new onset of hypertension and proteinuria or the new onset of hypertension and significant end-organ dysfunction with or without...
A Patient With Hypertension. The ECG, Echocardiogram...
A case of a hypertensive patient. Discussion of her ECG, echo 2-dimensional and tissue doppler (TDI) , diastolic dysfunction and management issues.
Retroperitoneoscopic Excision of Rt Pheochromocytoma
8 year old boy with drenching night sweats, hypertension, and elevated cortisols. He underwent retroperitoneoscopic excision of the tumor. This was presented in PESI meet at Visakhapatnam.
Esophageal Variceal Ligation
Esophageal variceal ligation in a cirrhotic patient with portal hypertension.