Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Upside Down Fissureless Technique for a Tumor...

views: 1393 comments: 1

In this video we show an uniportal approach to perform an upside down fissureless technique to perform a left lower lobectomy and partial resection of lingula in a tumor involving the fissure. Diego...

Upside Down Fissureless Technique for a Tumor...

views: 1217 comments: 0

In this video we show an uniportal approach to perform an upside down fissureless technique to perform a left lower lobectomy and partial resection of lingula in a tumor involving the fissure.

Anatomical Variant of Artery in the Fissure During...

views: 3971 comments: 0

Anatomical variant of artery for the lower lobe with complex fissure management during single-port thoracoscopic left upper lobectomy (LUL lung cancer). The excellent uniportal view allow to identify...

Uniportal VATS Anatomic Lingulectomy

views: 8934 comments: 0

Single port anatomic resection (lingulectomy) in a patient with a metastasis in the left upper lobe (lingula) involving part of the fissure (incomplete fissure). Dr Gonzalez-Rivas,MD,FECTS Dr Fernandez-Prado,...

Long Standing Alcohol Abuse - Bleeding from Small...

views: 3437 comments: 0

In the video clip, you can see a bleeding from a small fissure at the gastroesophageal junction.

Cryosurgery Of Piles

views: 43764 comments: 1

The author of this video presents cryosurgery of piles.

Grade III Of Piles

views: 36814 comments: 1

In this video you can see grade III of piles.

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