anterior vitrectomy

Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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Posterior Polar in a Child

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Big capsulotomy done with Fugo blade, soft lens matter tapped out using viscoelastic, posterior rhexis done, IOL in the bag and a little bit of anterior vitrectomy

Hydrodissection by Mistake in a Case of PPC

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Witnessed posterior capsule rupture as a result of hydrodissection by mistake. Segments have already been emulsified. While doing anterior vitrectomy, a little bit of soft lens matter dropped in the...

IOL Implantation in a case of Disorganized Anterior...

views: 3562 comments: 0

After optical iridectomy, a small sized iris claw lens fixed to the back of the iris. Membranectomy done with Fugo blade and anterior vitrectomy done to clear the visual axis.

Oval Rhexis in Hard Cataract and PCR Management

views: 5139 comments: 0

Oval rhexis is a must for hard cataract. In this case, PCR was noticed during last segment removal. Phaco probe was taken out. Incision extended a little bit. Anterior vitrectomy was done and IOL was...

Managing A Subluxated Sulcus IOL

views: 6647 comments: 0

Video showes managing a subluxated sulcus IOL. Video by Howard Gimbel, MD, MPH.

Blunt Ocular Trauma, Pars Plana Anterior Vitrectomy,...

views: 8743 comments: 0

These case shows ocular anterior reconstruction, in a patient with blunt ocular trauma.

Repositioning A Dislocated IOL Via Pars Plana...

views: 12691 comments: 0

Video showes optic capture of a dislocated IOL. IOL subluxed into the vitreous through posterior capsule tear.

Managing a Subluxated IOL- Bag Complex with an...

views: 5068 comments: 0

A subluxated IOL-Bag complex is removed and replaced with an anterior chamber IOL. Video by Howard Gimbel, MD.

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