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PRD approximal posterior amalgam part 2 of 2

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PRD approximal posterior amalgam filling part 2 of 2 Video by: Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry

Amalgam Restoration - Occlusal Surface

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The video shows the removal of a defective restoration and the preparation of a class I cavity. The correct way of placing an amalgam restoration is presented in the video. Video by the Institute of Dentistry...

Replacement of Class I Amalgam Restoration with...

views: 4592 comments: 0

The video shows a step-by-step guide on how to replace a defective amalgam restoration on the occlusal surface of the second maxillary molar with light-cured composite resin material. Video by the Institute...

PRD complex amalgam part 3 of 3

views: 4293 comments: 0

Complex amalgam restoration part 3 of 3 Video by BartsDental

Approximal Posterior - Amalgam

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The video shows the preparation and restoration of a class II cavity. The tooth is restored using amalgam. Rubber dam protection is used during the whole procedure. Video by the Institute of Dentistry...

Amalgam Core Tip - Restoration Through Provisional...

views: 8641 comments: 0

Second part of the video in which you can see how to make provisional restoration with an amalgam.

Amalgam Core Tip - Restoration Through Provisional

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Dr. Big Daddy had a great tip that he shared with us. I"m not sure where he scored this tip from, however, it's a really need way to restore a tooth with an amalgam foundation restoration - without...

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