MACS FaceLift (Mini - Lift)

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11 years ago

Case description

MACS-Facelift (Minimal Access Cranial Suspension) is a procedure that leaves you looking fresher and youthful. People may not notice that you have had surgery, just that you look refreshed. The MACS-Lift helps to remove excessive jowling around the chin, deep creases that appear between your nose and mouth, and restores the outline of the jaw. The MACS-Lift is less invasive than other facelift procedures and leaves a shorter scar. This type of facelift will lift and hold up sagging tissues in the neck, cheeks, chin, or near the nose with suspension sutures in the deeper tissues. This operation is done on an outpatient basis while you are under local anesthesia.MACS FaceLift provides natural rejuvenation with shorter operative time, quicker recovery, and less potential for complications compared with traditional face lifts. Fat grafting and Blepharoplasty can enhance the final result. Stamatis Sapountzis M.D.

tags: facelift MACS lift


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