Cesarean Hysterectomy Placenta Previa, Acreta, Percreta

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2 years ago

Case description

Surgical video case. Diagnosis - placenta previa with acreta increta precreta.

Treatment: - LSCS with obsteretic hysterectomy

Opretive notes:

- Lscs with obsteretic hystrectomy done Under spinal anesthesia given by Dr.  Amit Khambhaita & done by Dr. Pravin Kanani and Dr. Ketan Hingrajiya.

- Vertical incision put over uterus done.

- Baby delivered in breech presentation and handed over to pediatrician Dr. Bansi Manvar.

- Baby cried immediately after birth.

- Ligated umbilical cord & attache placenta are left within uterus &       hysterotomy is closed with suture.

- B/L cornual ligament ligated & cutting done with scissor cautery.

- Broad ligament ligated & cutting done with scissor.

- B/L uterosacral ligamnet are secured with suture ligature.

- Vesicouterine space is develpoed cephalad by blunt dissection.

- Bladder open due to placenta percreta from fundus to trigon area.

- Bladder closer done with stratafix 2.0 in 2 layer.

- Vault open at uterosacral ligament.

- Uterus with placenta remove.

- B/L fallopian tube & ovary preserve which was normal.

- Vault closer done with vicryl.

- Abdomen closer done layer wise with vicryl.

 - Drain kept.

-  After ot her vitals are normal.

-  Patinet shifted to post op room.

Advice: Catheter kept in situ for 21 days.

tags: placenta previa Cesarean Hysterectomy LSCS surgical video case

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