Labioplasty: Indications, Surgery, Postoperative Care


Case description

The topic of this video is labioplasty. Enlarged labia are usually congenital, but may be increased due to hormonal changes, lymphatic stasis, chronic irritation and inflammation from dermatitis or urinary incontinence, as well as after the childbirth.

Labioplasty, also known as labia reduction, is a procedure designed to improve the appearance of the external female genitalia. The goal is to obtain a more aesthetic appearance of the genitalia without adding unsightly scars or distorting normal anatomy. Surgery should be performed when the patient is not actively menstruating to reduce potential hormonal effects on anatomy and increased risk of postoperative infection.

Various reduction techniques are used, including the edge excision technique, the inferior wedge resection technique, and deepithelialization reduction labioplasty. Postoperative care and pain is minimal, allowing patients to go home on the day of the surgery.

tags: enlarged labia labia majora labia minora labioplasty

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