Post Menopausal Uterovaginal Prolapse

Post Menopausal Uterovaginal Prolapse
4 years ago

Case description

Vaginal prolapse is a common condition that occurs when the muscles, skin and ligaments that surround the pelvic floor weaken and ‘fall out of place’. In severe cases, the vaginal tissues can protrude from the body and affect urinary, rectal and sexual functions. It is more common in women who have given birth naturally or are post-menopausal due to the loss of estrogen, which helps to protect the bones and ligaments. There are several types of vaginal prolapse, Uterine prolapse– this is when the ligaments at the top of the vagina weaken causing the uterus to slip down into the vagina. It can happen in stages – from first to fourth degree by severity. First degree prolapse is when the uterus drops into the upper part of the vagina. Fourth degree prolapse (procidentia) is when it protrudes from the vaginal opening. This is common post-menopause because of falling estrogen levels.

tags: Uterovaginal Prolapse

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