WS 18 - Periodic Reviews: A Game Changer for Accountability in Global Health?

2 years ago
Global Health

Case description

The International Health Regulations (IHR) were introduced in 1969 and reformed in 2005 by the World Health Organizations (WHO) with the aim to prevent, detect and respond to the international spread of diseases. While the IHR require all countries to ensure core public health capacities and to notify the WHO of specific health threats, the COVID-19 Pandemic has again highlighted shortcomings in preparedness and response at both national and international levels. What is needed for Member States to implement IHR requirements fully? How can compliance and accountability be ensured? Could a Universal Periodic Review (UPR) mechanism strengthen accountability and provide data for targeted support? What can global health actors learn from the United Nations Periodic Review process in the Human Rights context or other review mechanisms? How should a Universal Periodic Review mechanism for the IHR look like? These are some of the pressing questions that experts will address who will provide input from their respective sectors.

tags: world health summit WHO

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