PD 09 - Strong Partnerships as a Determinant of Health - World Health Summit 2020

3 years ago
Global Health

Case description

One thing the sustainable development agenda has projected to the globe is the interdependency among the goals. On the road to reach the 2030 SDGs, it becomes clear that urgent commitments are needed to accelerate the attainment of health-related targets and SDG3 (Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages). With the current health landscape, where infectious diseases account for near 4.3 million deaths (1.7 million female and 2.7 million male), a common agenda setting between the public and private sectors, that is leveraged by political powers and influences, is the determinant to achieve the 95-95-95 HIV/AIDS goals, reduce viral hepatitis infections to 900,000, reduce malaria case incidence by 90%, reduce mortality rate by tuberculosis by 90%, reduce the number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases by 90%, among others (UNITE, 2019).

Evidence shows that to progress globally in achieving these goals will demand a paradigm shift, with new ways of doing partnerships and securing commitments at local, national and global levels (Bekker at al., 2019). The SDG17 (Partnerships for the Goals) acknowledges that successful attainment of the sustainable development agenda requires effective partnerships to unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources to deliver on sustainable development objectives (United Nations, 2015).

Considering this, UNITE - The Global Parliamentarians Network to End Infectious Diseases, steps forward to place the role of partnerships for effective accomplishment of the 2030 SDGs on the global health agenda. It does so in partnership with the GHA – German Health Alliance, and the UNAIDS – Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS to promote a discussion and generate key recommendations on how to strengthen sustainable partnerships that are backed by political will to attain the effective achievement of health-related SDGs.

tags: world health summit 2020

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