Laparoscopic Triple Neurectomy for Cronic Pain After Inguinal Hernia Repair

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9 months ago
General Surgery

Case description

Surgical video case: patient underwent inguinal hernia repair with anterior prosthesis 18 months earlier. He subsequently develops chronic pain approximately 2 months after surgery. He carries out a surgical examination where no recurrent hernia are evident, then he carries out an dynamic ultrasound of the abdomen and  inguinal region and a CT scan of the abdomen which shows no signs of recurrence or meshoma. He is sent to the Pain Therapy Center where appropriate therapy is performed. After 16 months, the failure of algological therapies leads to chronic pain after inguinal hernia repair that is refractory to medical therapy, for which triple laparoscopic neurectomy surgery of the ileo-inguinal, ileo-hypogastric and genoto-femoral nerves is performed.

tags: neurectomy inguinal hernia repair laparoscopic hernia repair laparoscopic triple neurectomy hernia surgery surgical technique anterior prosthesis meshoma laparoscopic case surgical anatomy ileo-inguinal nerve ileo-hypogastric nerve genoto-femoral nerve

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