Cystic Duct Joining Accessory Aberrant RHD

Cystic Duct Joining Accessory Aberrant RHD
a year ago
General Surgery

Case description

Bile duct injury is a recognized complication of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Knowing the anatomy and variations in cystic duct common hepatic duct junction may help decreasing chance of bile duct injuries. Anomalous right posterior sectoral bile duct occurs in around 2–5% of patients. Its drainage can occur into the gall bladder neck, cystic duct, common hepatic duct or rarely into left hepatic duct increasing the risk of injury during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Sectoral bile duct injury is rare often missed during surgery or may diagnosed late postoperatively but contributes to significant morbidity to the patient with multiple subsequent interventionsand procedures.   

tags: accessory aberrant RHD Intraoperative cholangiogram bile duct injury laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgical anatomy Anomalous right posterior sectoral bile duct critical view of safety cystic duct

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