Joints Dislocations for Orthopaedic Examinations

10 months ago

Case description

Athar Siddiqui - the transcript discusses the topic of joint dislocations, specifically focusing on cervical spine, shoulder, and hip dislocations.

- In cervical spine dislocations, there is controversy regarding when and how to reduce the dislocation and whether an MRI scan is necessary. Proper description of X-rays and assessment of neurological deficits are important.

- Treatment algorithms for cervical spine dislocations involve assessing the patient's alertness, neurovascular deficits, and the presence of neurological deficits. Closed reduction is attempted first, followed by an MRI scan to guide further treatment. - Shoulder dislocations are categorized based on age and associated injuries. The management of first-time dislocations is a topic of controversy, with both non-operative and operative approaches considered.

- Hip dislocations are discussed in relation to ATLS topic, femoral head fractures, and the importance of assessing vascular supply. Pipkin classification and surgical approaches are mentioned.

- Knee dislocations are briefly mentioned, highlighting the distinction between high-energy and low-energy dislocations and the possibility of arterial injuries. Immediate reduction, neurovascular examination, and operative indications are discussed.

- The controversy surrounding fasciotomies and the use of X-fixation in knee dislocations is briefly mentioned.

This teaching video is specifically helpful for candidates preparing for the following Orthopaedic Exams : FRCS , European Board (FEBOT) , SICOT Diploma and Arabic Boards 

tags: Joints Dislocations Athar Siddiqui cervical spine hip dislocations shoulder dislocation cervical spine dislocations FRCS FEBOT SICOT Orthopaedic academy Orthopaedic teaching videos Orthopaedics course online

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