piriformis muscle

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Piriformis Syndrome - a Hidden Cause of Sciatica

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Piriformis syndrome is a condition of leg pain or sciatica due to compression of the sciatic nerve at the hip. Piriformis syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion. 

Piriformis Syndrome vs. Disc Herniation: Decoding...

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Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatic Nerve Pain: Understanding the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options This informative video delves into the conditions of Piriformis Syndrome and Sciatic Nerve Pain. It...

The Piriformis syndrome causes and diagnosis...

views: 3311 comments: 0

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the piriformis muscle why it is important. 

The Piriformis syndrome causes and diagnosis...

views: 3345 comments: 0

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the piriformis muscle why it is important. 

Anatomy of the Piriformis Muscle - Everything...

views: 5093 comments: 0

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes the anatomy of the piriformis muscle. 

Piriformis Syndrome & Sciatica - Dr. Nabil...

views: 3853 comments: 0

Dr. Ebraheim’s educational animated video describes condition Piriformis syndrome and Sciatica. 

Sagittal Section In A Male Pelvis - Dissection

Akram Jaffar

Specialty:  Anatomy
views: 9132 comments: 3

The video presents dissection of male pelvis in a sagittal section. Video by Dr. Akram Jaffar, Department of Medical Neuroscience Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick.

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