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The Only Way To Diagnose Gum Disease - New BSP...

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 1093 comments: 0

This video was taken from the full video 'Every Dentistry Diagnoses you NEED to know when seeing patients!' which covers all the essential Dental Diagnoses you need to know including caries, pulpal, periapical,...

When Biofillm Strikes: How, Why & What to...

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 434 comments: 0

The presence of biofilm in the mouth can wreak havoc. If not removed regularly, it can transform into a pathogenic bacterial complex, becoming difficult to remove and resulting in oral diseases — most...

Periodontal Surgery - Upper Right 1st Molar and...

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 1443 comments: 0

In this video, Dr Kuljeet Mehta-Periodontist, demonstrates periodontal regenerative therapy (Guided tissue regeneration) on the upper right 1st molar and 2nd premolar teeth in a patient due to advanced...

Periodontal Surgery with GTR

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 1564 comments: 0

In this video, Dr Kuljeet Mehta, demonstrates periodontal regenerative therapy (Guided tissue regeneration) on the lower right lateral incisor, canine and 1st premolar in a patient due to advanced gum...

Assessing Periodontitis: Clinical Examples &...

Specialty:  Periodontics
views: 1489 comments: 0

Video tutorial presented by Mariano Sanz, summing up some of the outcomes of the 2nd working group in World Perio Workshop 2017 on the new perio classification - in this case, he discusses some clinical...

How to deal with endo-perio syndrome?

views: 6694 comments: 0

Treating the endo-periodontal leasions is always quite problematic. Many publications opine this kind of pathology as one of the most difficult. In 2006 Jorge Vera, Martin Trope, Federic Barnett and Kenneth...

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