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Mohammed Zidan

Specialty:  Cardiology
views: 617 comments: 0

This video provides myxoma. Presented by Mohammed Naiem Zidan.  

Left atrial tumor (2/2)

views: 4431 comments: 2

TTE apical 2-chamber view shows left atrial tumor (most probably myxoma) protruding into left ventricular inflow tract. Such TTE images were obtained in 68-years patient who was reffered to ER due to...

Left atrial tumor (1/2)

views: 4404 comments: 0

TTE apical 4-chamber view shows left atrial tumor (most probably myxoma) protruding into left ventricular inflow tract. Such TTE images were obtained in 68-years old patient who was reffered to ER due...

Excision of Cardiac tumor

views: 18098 comments: 0

Heart tumors are increadibly rare neoplasms. In 75% of cases they are benign tumors, like myxoma. More frequent but still uncommon are metastases to the heart. In the following video a case of 68 year...

Left Atrial Myxoma Resection

views: 18668 comments: 0

Myxoma is a benign tumor consisting of primitive connective tissue. It is the most frequent primary tumor of the heart in adults, however it can also occur in other locations. Considering the heart, myxomas...

Myxoma Of The Left Atrial Compartment

views: 5948 comments: 0

This video shows myxoma of the left atrial compartment discovered thanks to the ultrasound technique.

Myxoma In Echocardiography

views: 6912 comments: 0

It is the most common primary tumor of the heart in adults.

Myxoma In Cardiac Echo

views: 8762 comments: 0

Myxoma is a myxoid tumor of primitive connective tissue. It is the most common primary tumor of the heart in adults, but can also occur in other locations. It is most seen on echocardiography, as a pedunculated...

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