
Adenocarcinoma Histopathology TUMOR adenoma anatomy bleeding cancer colon colonoscopy duodenum echocardiography emr endoscopy ent images esophagus for dental students for dentists gastroscopy hysterectomy laparoscopy polyp polypectomy rectum robotic surgery stomach surgical education surgical technique surgical video case ulcer varices
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More than Skin Deep: The Life of a Dermatologist


Specialty:  Students
views: 587 comments: 0

Are you interested in treating the skin, hair and nails? Dermatology shadowing gives you the chance to take a closer look at this profession, and learn from one of its best practitioners. Visit

Dermatological Examination

Specialty:  Students
views: 2565 comments: 0

This video shows main points of the dermatological physical examination.

Cutaneous Manifestations of Systemic Disease

Specialty:  Internal Medicine
views: 2822 comments: 0

In the video at the beginning there are reminded descriptive terms and various morphologies of skin lesions. Then speaker continuous with discussing some key organ systems and skin findings that may occur...

Melanoma - Overview (signs and symptoms, pathology,...

views: 7635 comments: 1

In this video we're going to look at melanoma. This is an overview of melanoma and introduction. Melanoma is a cancer of the skin. Instagram:

The Skin Anatomy, Physiology and Microbiology

views: 10078 comments: 1

This video shows anatomy, physiology and microbiology of the skin. Video by Armando Hasudungan.

Lesion Terminology

views: 9154 comments: 1

Explanation of the skin lesion terminology. Video by Armando Hasudungan

Overview of Face Botox Injections

Specialty:  Aesthetic medicine
views: 6297 comments: 0

Brief overview of Face Botox injections presented by Sandy Johnson M.D.

Biologics in Psoriaris

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 4635 comments: 1

This video reviews current biologic agents FDA-approved for moderate-to-severe psoriasis disease. Presented by The w Dr. Anthony Fernandez, of Cleveland Clinic.

Mechanism of Inflammatory Process in Psoriasis

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 5636 comments: 1

This 3D medical animation demonstrates a detailed explanation of the inflammatory process as it applies to psoriasis. Psoriasis is a debilitating disease affecting more than six million Americans. Once...

Histopathology Skin - Lamellar Ichthyosis

views: 9385 comments: 0

MD John R. Minarcik presents histopathological image of lamellar ichthyosis, rare congenital skin disorder.

Five Topicals Commonly Used by Patients With...

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 3565 comments: 0

In this video Dr Amy Paller lists the five main topical creams that are commonly used by patients with epidermolysis bullosa (EB).EB is a group of rare skin disorders that manifest as blistering or erosion...

Epidermolysis Bullosa Research and Treatment

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 4355 comments: 0

What is epidermolysis bullosa (EB)? How do EB patients live with such a devastating disease? What are the current treatments and research? Dr.Alfred Lane discusses "recessive dystrophic epidermolysis...

iPS Stem Cell-Based Treatment of Epidermolysis...

Specialty:  Dermatology
views: 5157 comments: 0

Albert Lane, M.D from Stanford School of Medicine spoke about Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) The definition,estimated common of EB, natural process of disease and innovative treatment of dominant dystrophic...

Thread Lift For Non-surgical Facelift

Specialty:  Aesthetic medicine
views: 8992 comments: 0

Thread lift is a method using absorbable threads made from an FDA-approved material called PDO (polydioxanone). PDO threads are absorbable by the human body and are completely biocompatible. Thread lift...

Bruxism Treatment With Botox Injection

Specialty:  Aesthetic medicine
views: 6814 comments: 0

In this video, Dr. Kimberly Butterwick discusses botox injections to relax the masseter muscle. Masseter muscle hyperactivity is responsed for bruxism (clenching and grinding teeth mainly during sleep)....

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