Colonoscopy Channel - Closure Of Large Post-EMR...
The video presents a complete closure of a large EMR defect after en-bloc resection of a 3 cm cecal sessile serrated adenoma. The procedure is described step-by-step.
Colonoscopy Channel - EMR Defect Closure
Endoscopic mucosal resection is useful in removing flat lesions. The resection defect can be closed with clips. Here is an example of an EMR defect closure, after control of bleeding with clips.
Colonoscopy - Ascending Colon EMR Defect Clip...
The EMR (endoscopic mucosal resection) is performed in order to excise lesions in the colon as an alternative for the surgery. To prevent distant complications an EMR defect should be closed properly....
Clip Closure Technique of a Large Cecal Resection...
Video presents a correction of a large cecal resection defect. Large defects require the use of different clips, position change of the patient if necessary, decompressed colon, short straight colonoscope...
Clip Closure Technique of a Large Transverse...
This particular video presents an unedited clip to show the details of clip closure of a large transverse defect after removal of a large polyp in the transverse colon.
Rationale For Ridge Augmentation - Model Demonstration
This video shows rationale for ridge augmentation for optimal implant longevity. The Reganato Lecture Series.
Sling Suturing Of Native Tissues - Gingival Grafting...
The material presents alloderm surgery #26-25-24; sling suturing of native tissues. The Reganato Lecture Series.
Graft Suturing Technique - Gingival Grafting...
In this video the author presents alloderm surgery #26-25-24; graft suturing technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.
Threading Technique - Gingival Grafting #26-25-24
In this video you can see alloderm surgery #26-25-24; alloderm threading technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.
Tunneling Technique - Gingival Grafting #26-25-24
This video shows alloderm surgery #26-25-24; tunneling technique. The Reganato Lecture Series.
Anteriolateral Thigh Free Flap
The video presents a versatile free tissue transfer, used to reconstruct a large through-and-through defect of the cheek and neck.