Ovate Pontics for Bridges - The Complete Guide with Dr Jason Smithson

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5 months ago

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Ovate pontics are what you choose when you want the best aesthetics for fixed dental bridges - but how do you go about prescribing this to your lab?

How do you carry out 'pontic site development' and how can you assess the soft tissues for suitability?

Download 3 PDF resources from this episode: https://protrusive. ck.page/ ovate

Join us on Saturday 30th September for Occlusion and Communication Day at London Heathrow - amazing speakers on 2 huge topi: https://protrusive.co. uk/occlusion

As promised, check out the PDF on Ovate Pontics by Professor Bill Robbins and more about the E-Pontic: https://protrusive.ck. page/ovate

Learn more from Dr Jason Smithson and his Restorative Programme: https://restorativeprogramme.co. uk

Also, check out his courses with Spear Education: https://campus.speareducation.com /workshops/excellence-in-composite-restorations/details/syllabus/


tags: Jason Smithson bridges dental podcast dental videos Ovate Pontics dental education

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