Neck Liposuction & Neck Lift

11 years ago

Case description

Surgery performed by dr Laith Barnouti
A double chin is essentially a neck problem, not a chin issue. It is due to excess fat in the area of the neck that is directly below the chin, hence creating the appearance of an extra chin or double chin.

When this problem happens, it does so to varying degrees, with the worst cases appearing like double chins. In less severe cases, the under-side of the chin may just look plump without being a double chin. Irrespective of severity, extra neck fat is the source of the problem. As fat is the cause, liposuction is the most sought-after treatment for it.

In order to understand whether neck liposuction is for you, you must first recognise a few things; including how loose is your neck skin as it plays a vital role in the treatment plan. If your skin is reasonably tight then liposuction is all you need. If your neck skin is very loose then you may require more than neck liposuction

tags: liposuction neck double chin

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