Mobile Dental Photography – An Overview

7 months ago

Case description

The trend of using one’s mobile for dental photography is catching on quickly, mainly because – It is relatively cost effective, especially as compared to a DSLR. For someone who is beginning out on a fresh dental practice, this seems to be a wiser option to start with. The equipment is already available on hand. Any extra armamentarium is relatively inexpensive. Experienced dentists know this – dental practice is not about dental practice alone. It’s also about convincing the patients and avoiding legal hassles. Whether you have resumed practice after a while, or are just starting out, one fact does not change – the importance of documentation. Documentation is important to – Maintain a record of the journey that both you and the patient undertook, from start to finish, especially in complex cases. Aid in case presentations. In case of any dispute, to provide evidence.

tags: mobile dental photography dental photography webinar for dental students for dentists

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