Youssef's Concept 2

8 months ago

Case description

Youssef proposed that repetitive nerve stimulation treating ''Myopathy ''. Repetitive nerve stimulation was a technique commonly used in the work-up and evaluation of myopathy but would be beneficial. As a treatment for muscular dystrophy, but in a different way by facial gun, It works on neuromuscular stimulation, so it helps in restoring muscle strength again. And it has really shown its effectiveness in treating patients with muscular atrophy. For example, if the injury is in the upper part, nerve stimulate must be done. The brachial plexus is the network of nerves that sends signals from the spinal cord to the shoulder, arm and hand, because strength performance depends not only on the quantity and quality of the involved muscles, but also upon the ability of the nervous system to appropriately activate the muscles.

tags: Myopathy Neurology nerve stimulation muscular dystrophy neuromuscular stimulation muscular atrophy

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