Sigmoid Colon Endoscopic Mucosal Resection

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6 months ago
General Surgery

Case description

Endoscopy case: EMR allows the removal of tissue to the level of the muscularis propria and is a good alternative to surgery, thereby eliminating the need for surgical intervention and its associated morbidity and mortality. Early stage colon cancer, adenomas and rectal carcinoid have all been successfully removed by EMR. Resection of polyps can be performed en bloc or piecemeal according to the size and location of the lesion. The complication rate associated with EMR is low. The most frequent adverse event is bleeding followed by perforation. Another risk following EMR is recurrence.

tags: endoscopic mucosal resection EMR Large polyp sigmoid colon endoscopy video case endoscopy technique muscularis propria colon cancer rectal carcinoid adenoma

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