Colonic Tuberculosis Mimicking Crohn's Disease (1 of 12)

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13 years ago

Case description

Intestinal Tuberculosis in AIDS This 26 year-old female, who underwent hysterectomy two years ago, with bilateral-salpingo-ooforectomy due to a cervical carcinoma. The patient presented with severe abdominal pain with right predominance since 10 months previously, and weight loss her blood test for Aids, was positive. In addition the patient has been with several episodes of fever with anorexia. Aditional clinic finding of this patient, presented with Oropharynge-Esophagic Candidiasis. Here, we report a case of isolated colonic tuberculosis where the initial diagnostic workup was suggestive of Crohn's disease. Computed tomography findings however, raised the possibility of colonic tuberculosis and the detection of acid-fast bacilli in biopsy specimens confirmed the diagnosis. this case highlights the need for awareness of intestinal tuberculosis in the differential diagnosis of chronic intestinal disease.

tags: AIDS colon colonoscopy Crohn's disease tuberculosis

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