Mitral Valve Repair of Posterior Leaflet Prolapse

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Case description

From The Mitral Valve Repair Reference Center at The Mount Sinai Hospital, Dr. David Adams performs a mitral valve repair of posterior leaflet prolapse utilizing the new Carpentier-Edwards Physio II Annuloplasty Ring. The patient is a 55-year-old gentleman with a 5-year history of mitral valve prolapse with severe mitral valve regurgitation referred for elective intervention.
OPERATION: Complex Mitral Valve Repair (Bileaflet Prolapse; Triangular Resection of P2; Gap Closure of P2, P3; True Size 32mm Physio II Ring; Gore-Tex Chord x 1 to Correct A2 Prolapse due to Chordal Elongation).Video by David Adams, MD.

tags: mitral valve repair mitral valve prolapse Annuloplasty ring

Bartosz Szurlej

Bartosz Szurlej


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