Laparoscopic Extera Gist

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9 years ago
Aesthetic medicine

Case description

A 22 years old virgin patient, with history of sudden abdominal pain who was referred. Para clinic evaluation :A 5×5 cm cystic mass and 8×6 cm solid –cystic mass in the midline part of abdomen &CA125 =49 The patient underwent laparoscopic resection. We found a large solid –cystic mass 18×15 cm with extensive necrotic parts which had sever adhesions to bowels ;omentum ; uterus and anterior abdominal wall. Extensive adhesions were released. The mass was sent to the frozen section, but the pathologist did not give a definitive diagnose. After 1 month definite diagnose with Imonohystologic and pathologic approaches was GIST.GIST tumors lacking any association with the bowel wall have been referred to as EGISTS. A large GIST tumor [>10 cm] that located EXTERA GI is very rare.

tags: cyst extera GIST

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