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A Neglected Closed Globe Contusion Managed Using...

Mehul Shah

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 1261 comments: 0

A neglected closed globe contusion is managed in 2 stages during first sitting membranous cataract removed after one month no glue, no suture foldable acrylic hydrophilic self sustained scleral tuck iol...

A Neglected Open Globe Injury Managed Using Scleral...

Mehul Shah

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 1229 comments: 0

  Video case: a neglected globe rupture following cattle horn injury having neglected wound which was not repaored and developed staphyloms. This case managed in 2 stages during first sitting staphylectomy...

Comprehensive Management of Ectopia Lentis by...

Mehul Shah

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 5105 comments: 0

Video case: a 60 yo male patient presented with closed globe contusion operated for phacofregmentation and self sustained, no suture, no glue, scleral fixated lens. 

Traumatic Endophthelmitis Miracle From No Perception

Mehul Shah

Specialty:  Ophthalmology
views: 3427 comments: 0

Video case: traumatic endophthelmitis is presented with no perception of light regained 6/12 following multiple surgeries used newly designed scleral tuck lend.

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